1. The living conditions of my Bengal cats meet or exceed the minimum requirements of state, county and local laws/ regulations as well as the rules of my cat club/association. Male or female cats are never living in solitude (exception: medical quarantine). I will pay attention to where I buy my breeding cats and where I sell them. Under all circumstances, I will avoid working with breeders, who keep their cats in small, tight cages.
2. I ensure the health of my cats. All kittens are vaccinated (at least twice with the FVRCP immunization against cat flu/disease), de-wormed (alternatively: I test stool samples) and microchipped. Kittens, who do not have complete vaccination protection, are not allowed to be sold, or go to cat shows. I regularly vaccinate (alternatively: I determine vaccine titer) and de-worm (alternatively: I test stool samples) all my cats.
3. All my breeding cats (SBT) are scanned for HCM (echocardiogram) by a board certified cardiologist before the first breeding, and thereafter annually or before the next mating. I immediately report all the results to Bengal-Data and HCM list. For those cats with an HCM-positive or HCM EQ- echocardiogram, I will follow the recommendations of the Pawpeds health program.
4. Under no circumstances do I willfully risk producing sick kittens. For this reason I know, the PRA-b and PK-Def status of my breeding cats. I don't allow any risky mating. Upon request, I give my customers access to the health documents of my breeding cats. I don’t have to retest breeders from two animals that have tested PRA-b and PK-Def. N/N.
5. I will check the inbreeding coefficients of my kittens. I will not undertake any breeding that will drive the COI up markedly. I will provide bengal-data.com access to my pedigrees (at least the pedigree of one kitten from every litter and all the pedigrees of cats/kittens used for breeding).
6. I will pay attention to the accuracy of the pedigrees and register all the kittens in a recognized registry. A queen should not normally be mated before her 10-month birthday, and no more than three times within 24 months (exception: medical reason).
7. I will sell all kittens and cats with a written contract. The contract defines what happens if the animal becomes ill or dies within a defined period of time (health guarantee). I will not give away kitten younger than 12 weeks old.
8. All pets are sold with early spay/neuter or with a clause in the contract which requires the cat to be altered before sexual maturity. I will make an effort to find a suitable home for all kittens. I will not continue to breed until all kittens are placed in loving homes.
9. I will not conceal any health problems in my cattery. When an infectious (viral) disease appears in the cattery, I will undertake all necessary measures to prevent it from continuing to spread. In particular, I will not take a sick cat to any exhibitions/shows and will not allow outside stud service. I will not sell sick kittens. I will restrict visits from other cat owners and breeders to prevent spreading the virus.
10. Should a cat from my cattery be mistreated or neglected by a new owner, I will take responsibility for the care and the housing of the cat.
11. Breeding animals, which I no longer wish to use in my breeding program, will normally be sold altered. Under no circumstances do I knowingly sell a pregnant queen.
12. If I sell a breeding animal to a new breeder, I will take responsibility and also avail myself as a mentor.
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